Life On and Off an Acreage

In-sights into moving from an Acreage back to Town, plus a few things I find of interest.

Two things that horses are scared about:

1. Things that move
2. Things that don't move

Old enough to be eccentric, but not rich enough

August 13, 2019

A Bear Hunting Day!

I decided to take a drive and see how many bears I could find. I found 9 total, two sows with twin cubs and the rest lone males. The foliage along the highways is lush and green with lots and lots of clover. It was hard to get facial shots as they were munching like there was no end. I suspect we may have an early winter!
 When I first saw these three, they were laying down eating just rising enough to get fresh clover. This little gaffer was quite curious. Mama kept calling him back.
 Mama was a good sized bear and very protective. She kept them close at hand.
 When Mama moved. so did the twins.
 The grass and other stuff was very tall and it was hard to get shots in the open.
 At times the cubs seemed to disappear
She needs to put on a lot of weight before winter!

 This old boar seemed to be quite chubby. All ready for mating.

August 9, 2019

Grain and Friends

I was out taking a cruise and I saw this Whitetail Deer in a field of barley. At first, I thought she was laying down. Not so. She was standing on her tip toes trying to get a look at the stranger pointing a camera. 

She looked around, at times almost disappearing.

When she went to alert and walked, her tail followed her over the grain. It looked weird to see a caboose following.

Finally, I was able to get a full deer shot just to prove she was upright.

There were also some Sandhill Cranes. I guess they were waiting for the grain to ripen. I feel sorry for the farmers this year. We have had so much rain it is impossible to get on the fields. What hay that has been cut has been rained on daily.

 Then there were a few Magpies doing their thing, mainly squawking at the intrusion.

August 2, 2019

Just Lurking Around

A Whitetail Doe caught enjoying her salad

A Low pass by a Canada Goose

Its hard to tell the young from the parents now
 Mama with three young of the year
Here is a Solitary Sandpiper with one of her young.

July 28, 2019

Swatting Mosquitos

The mosquitos were horrible after 3 weeks of rain. I swung by the Osprey nest in Rotary Park.

 I could not see and young ones yet.
 She was not moving around much

This looks like a Herring Gull sitting on the pond
This is a different view

I am assuming this is a young of the year.

 Here is a sad case! No parents or siblings around, but enjoying the flooded grass.
 Paddling around, growing bigger. Hope he makes it! I am no sure what type of duck

July 27, 2019

Dog Park and Wild Life

On the way to the dog park I came across this lone female Mule Deer, just willing to be photographed.

The grass is getting very tall, and approaching 4 feet high in places. Some of the local farmers are starting to make hay, but it is still very rainy.

Don't look now, but you have hairy ears!

 She is in very good shape. I suspect she is a yearling from last year.

 Back at the Park, Daphne met up with Percy, a 4 year old Golden. They have not seen each other for many months, but picked up the relationship right where it left off. BFF. Daphne's Kong on a rope, not to be messed with, but rather be shared.

 Both are very stubborn and will not give up! Lots of growling going on and tug of wars.

 Daphne normally wins and is a master of playing keep-away.

July 15, 2019

Getting Out Again

Now that the 3 week Monsoon has ended, I was able to get out and about. Daphnie and I did an 8 km walk on the Town's paved walking trails. The bush otherwise was too soggy.

I came across this very cooperative Mule Deer. I told Daphne "No" and she just sat with me and watched.

 You can see why they are called Mule Deer. The ears are very expressive!
 She was curious and walked up to about 20 feet away.
 Then off for a pronk. Note all 4 feet are off the ground. They hit with all four feet and bound.
 Back for another peer at us.
 What are you guys up to? How come that dog isn't chasing me?
 The natural grass is getting up close to 4 feet high.
 Yep, if it weren't for my ears, I bet you would walk right past!

July 12, 2019

Question for All You Horticulturalists Out There

About 5 years ago, we planted 4 Oriental Poppies. Each year they have produced  magnificent flowers, more and more each year. This year we have had 24 blooms, all nice and orange, as they should be.

 The flowers are stunning!
 However, this year we have had one white poppy, now gone and today out pops this pink one. The originals were all single root plants, producing orange flowers.
How did the white and pink variations sneak in?
Now, I am not complaining, just curious. There are no other poppies in this end of Whitecourt, and no others that I have seen any where in Town.

I guess I will have to go and contemplate  my navel until someone comes up with an answer.

July 9, 2019

Bits and Pieces

You may have noticed my new header picture. It is about the only "bright" thing to happen in the last three weeks. Note the Teddy Bear. Daphne is spoiled! We have had rain, rain and more rain for three weeks. The gardens are stalled out, or drowned. The walks have been limited to paved paths and the photo opportunities almost nil.

I guess that is my whine for the day!

I did manage to get a picture or two of a Great Blue Heron in a marsh at Rotary Park. The marsh is now flooded and the Athabasca River is up to flood level. (Did I mention we have had rain?)

 The Goslings are about the size of their mother now.

 This woodpecker kind of looked waterlogged.

 I did catch up with a Solitary Sandpiper sitting on a log.

 Same Sand Piper different view.

Think dry, and warm!