Life On and Off an Acreage

In-sights into moving from an Acreage back to Town, plus a few things I find of interest.

Two things that horses are scared about:

1. Things that move
2. Things that don't move

Old enough to be eccentric, but not rich enough

April 26, 2019

The Last Two Days

The weather was good and I got out and about. Here are a few of the results. It might be a few days before I get out and about again, as we are forecast to get 20 cm of snow overnight.

The first two are of a Juvenile Golden Eagle that decided to thermal right over me. I had to get some help from Alberta Birds to identify it.

 The next two are of Common Gold Eyes that are showing up in droves.

And here we have the Canada Goose having a good stretch. They are starting to nest up and things are getting quiet on the Athabasca

The next couple are of a Rough Grouse having a bad hair day.

Finally, here is one of the 15 Elk that I came across in a farmers field.

April 18, 2019

A Couple of Surprises

Daphne and I took to the bush today to try and get out 5 miles per day in. On one of the trails, Daphne put up this Roughed Grouse and it perched right beside me in a tree.

We also came across a herd of about 15 Elk. I could not get a shot through the bush, so we moved down the road and waited for them to cross. I guessed to crossing point quite well. They came single file, in a hurry.

We also found a few geese in the slough.

All in all, not a bad day in the bush!

April 15, 2019

A Walking Day

I thought I would take a little walk today without Daphne. I found a few deer and were able to get up to them. Can you spot the three deer in this picture? Yes, sweetpea, there are three.

I kept on in stealth mode and got quite a bit closer. The only comment I have here is "Don't chew with your mouth open".
 This one was kind of sleepy/
 Oops, I think she saw me!
I did come across this goose either resting or nesting in a dry swamp.

April 12, 2019

Enjoying the Sunshine!

After a week of miserable cold weather, fog, snow and rain, I was able to get out and about. The geese are pairing up and starting to look for nesting sites. I did manage to get  a LOT of photos on the river.
 I will keep it down to eight

 Here are a couple of shots of the back end of some Tundra Swans flying over. This year I am going to try to get more wing shots of birds.

 This guy misjudged and did a hard landing.
And a Female Merlin!

March 30, 2019

Out and About With My Faithful Companion

It was another bright and sunny day so Daphnia and I did a 5 mile walk with the camera. The snow is almost gone, but it is still muddy in the bush, in the fields, on the paths and almost every where else.

We did walk up on this White Tail Deer out checking for green stuff to eat.

 These are the first Tundra Swans that I have seen this year. They looked tired and were not spooky at all.

 The swans intermingle with the Canada Geese very well, but at times there needs to be a flight coordinator on the field
 No conflict here!
 Definitely need at this landing. The FAA should get involved with this near miss!

 Don't I look great!
 Here is a slightly muddy and very tired Daphne.

March 29, 2019

Opening Up!

The ice on the Athabasca River has been receding in the last few days, bring in lots of Canada Geese to rest or nest. 

 They were tired and not very spooky.
 They were flying steadily, but on the other side of the river. It was a bit of a stretch for my lens.
 I enjoyed watching them fly and honk. Man, did they honk!
 A few close-ups were possible. They are a majestic bird.
 Thanks, this is my better side.

 Two strokes behind and a mouth open. Anybody know which is the female?
It is sure great to spring arriving!

March 21, 2019

Down by the River

Yesterday, we broke a 59 year old record at 19.3 C! Today is much the same! The woodland paths are flooded, muddy and slippery where there is still ice. No trails, off to the River I go.

 The first of the critters today was this squirrel. The warm weather has brought them out, and they are very hungry!

 There are lots of Canada Geese arriving from the south. Front side of a bathing pose
 Back side of the bathing pose.
 Drying off
 Looking regal!
The old pick -the -feathers -while- standing- on- one -leg pose

Its good to see them back! They kind of are replacing the Red Polls, Sparrows and others that are off nesting up.