Life On and Off an Acreage

In-sights into moving from an Acreage back to Town, plus a few things I find of interest.

Two things that horses are scared about:

1. Things that move
2. Things that don't move

Old enough to be eccentric, but not rich enough
Showing posts with label Mule Deer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mule Deer. Show all posts

July 15, 2019

Getting Out Again

Now that the 3 week Monsoon has ended, I was able to get out and about. Daphnie and I did an 8 km walk on the Town's paved walking trails. The bush otherwise was too soggy.

I came across this very cooperative Mule Deer. I told Daphne "No" and she just sat with me and watched.

 You can see why they are called Mule Deer. The ears are very expressive!
 She was curious and walked up to about 20 feet away.
 Then off for a pronk. Note all 4 feet are off the ground. They hit with all four feet and bound.
 Back for another peer at us.
 What are you guys up to? How come that dog isn't chasing me?
 The natural grass is getting up close to 4 feet high.
 Yep, if it weren't for my ears, I bet you would walk right past!

January 25, 2019

A Warm Day and a Chance to Get Out

The temperature went all the way up to +5c or  about 40F. I grabbed the dog and camera and took a long walk, It was very nice not to have 3 layer on, a toque, hoody and two pair of gloves!

Even the Athabasca River looked warm, but not quite ready for swimming.

 The Mule Deer were enjoying some sunshine along the park boundaries

Just a Mulie Mamma and this years fawn

Finally they eased off into the woods

January 19, 2019

Pretty Quiet in the Frozen North

I have been having fun preparing and uploading photos to my home town, Kenora. Here is one you don't see often. This was way back in the 1880 to 1904 era. The name of Kenora was then Rat Portage

 As you can see from this Mule Deer, we have a Lot of snow!
The bird feeders have been occupied by Pine Grosbeaks

And lots of Blue Jays, all pluffed up trying to stay warm

September 28, 2018

The Dog Days of Summer

A day in the woods with Daphne is great! It gets me out and working towards my 5 miles per day

Over hill, over dale and over logs. Nothing stops her!
 A brief stop at the dog park so that she can show off her retrieving skills rounds it off well
 The Kong retrieve comes right back to my hand.
 Along the river today, I spotted this Osprey. I am surprised he is still around.

 Fishing must still be good!
 This Mule Doe was another bonus until Daphne put the run on her. Daphne does a token chase and doesn't go far. I guess she knows that catching deer is not easy!

December 16, 2017

A Sunny Afternoon at the River

There was one lone duck, a Common Goldeneye female that was swimming in some open water on the Athabasca. Either she was a late hatch, injured or just reluctant to go south, I don't know. She has a few tough months ahead of her.

This big Mule Deer was just standing, munching on some grass and enjoying the sun shine. Oh, yeah, he was keeping an eye on his harem, three of them.

This was the only doe that was co-operative.

October 30, 2017

Out For a Short Walk

Not much doing today. I took the dog for a walk, ran her ragged at the Dog Park then wandered down the river trail. There were lots of Mule Deer hanging around, so I took a few portraits.

 Please, not when I am eating!

 I thought I saw a dog. Nope,


March 2, 2017

Lucky shots

It was sunny today so I took a little drive to see what I could find. This Bald Eagle was not co-operative and I only got the one shot

However, there was an abundance of Mule Deer. They co-operated far better than the Eagle.

Big ears and a white rump with a black tipped tail defines them.


I kind of like the contrasts of brown and white.

July 28, 2016

Thursday Cuteness

Let's start with an ear nibble by mama Mulie

Maybe a family gathering?

How about stopping and smelling the flowers?

Have a great day out there in Blogland!

June 8, 2016

At the Waterhole Today

It was bordering on thunder storms and i almost didn't go out. Fishing was awash as it's no fun in a canoe in a thunderstorm.

I caught this guy on the shore of the pond. He was wary, but didn't spook

I was able to shift position to get a different angle.

A lot has happened since I was last here. The Bufflehead has hatched out a few.

The mallards are quite happy

Enough babies swimming around that a traffic cop should be hanging out.

The Blue winged teal is not happy with something or other. Could it be he is "hen Pecked"?

Even the beaver was out swimming around.

March 4, 2016

Mule Deer Excursion

The dog walk today took me by the winter holding area for 3 Mule Deer. The light was not very good for taking pictures of birds, so I made do.

My hunter's eye spotted this doe bedded down with ease. The deer were basically keeping a good eye on the dogs. They were leashed.

A lot of non-hunting folks would walk right by these deer without seeing them.

This picture of them grazing has three deer in it. Do you spot the third?

Maybe a rump shot of the third will help.

They are used to dogs in this area, but still keep an eye on them.

Three more.