Life On and Off an Acreage

In-sights into moving from an Acreage back to Town, plus a few things I find of interest.

Two things that horses are scared about:

1. Things that move
2. Things that don't move

Old enough to be eccentric, but not rich enough
Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts

January 18, 2013

Dismal Friday

The highlight of the day was to get to A&W for coffee before the snow hit. We managed to do that part and get a few things done in town before it hit.
Monstrous big flakes, bigger even than what Dagmar could throw and very wet and sticky. The picture was taken through the window to avoid getting the camera wet (or me). It was another +5C (41F) day, but turns to -20 (-4F) tonight. We really enjoyed spring while it lasted :-}. I suspect the roads may be very slippery by morning. It's a good thing we don't have to go anywhere Saturday.

Saturday may be a good time to sit back and watch TV.

January 17, 2013

Yep, More of the Same!

Unfortunately when we get record warm days, we usually get a snow dump to go with it. 

 Remind me to clean off the truck before going to A&W for coffee tomorrow morning. I might get a ticket otherwise. The snow fall replaced some of the level that compacted yesterday.

Biz kind of takes it all in stride.

 For mid January we are accumulating a lot of snow. It should make for a soggy spring.

All the paths had to be shoveled out again. The forecast for this evening is rain. Did you know that rain is a four letter word? At least at this time of year! Alpine and Tucker are enjoying their loaner blankets. Biz managed to get hers off, somehow.
 Boots is still taking his herding duties seriously. Biz almost tagged him with both hind feet when he slipped in the snow on a full charge.
 Alpine, iced up, but toasty warm under the blanket.
 Three hours of plowing, snow blowing and scooping and things are back to normal, whatever that is around the Acreage.
Think warm, stay warm, and keep the road between the tires!

January 2, 2013

New Years Tradition

For the last few years it has been a kind of tradition to come up to the grand parents, visit, slide and otherwise play in the snow. Unfortunately, one of the local GK's did not make it, but we had fun anyway.

 Mad max enjoyed a good run in the snow.
 Not a lot of sliding was done because all three of them were tired from staying up to bring the New years in. The snow is getting pretty deep. Deep enough to bury a person ( with her permission , of course).
 After a bit, everybody went in to warm up and dry off. The temperature was just at the freezing mark, so it was a great day for the outdoors.
Happy New Years, everybody!

December 13, 2012

First Snowshoe of the Year

These are Ojibwa shoes that are about 45 years old. They are still going strong, although some of the babiche is getting a little thin. They have many, many miles on them from locations such as Kenora, Iroquois Falls, Thunder Bay and Whitecourt. In fact, they will likely outlast me. I was tempted to get a set of aluminum shoes, but decided that the natural quiet of wood and hide is preferable.

Brooklyn far enjoys the packed trail rather than being a snowplow. She is kind of built to push snow, with narrow shoulders and a wide butt.
 Come on boss! hurry up! I need to go back for a power nap.

 This is noon again and this is about the brightest it gets at this time of year. It's tough to get good photos when the lighting is flat.
 I thought I saw a squirrel! How come he stays on top and I sink? It's not fair!

December 12, 2012

Random Shots Around The Acreage

The sun did come out briefly today, so as promised, here are a few random shots around the place. It is only December 12, but already it's time for the snowshoes! I couldn't do a post without a couple of horse pictures in it. 

 This is a photo at almost noon giving the maximum height of the sun above the horizon.
 The garden and green house are both well covered.
 If anybody wants to BBQ, bring a shovel and brush.
 Alpine is not impressed! And, yes, it is snowing again. The weather forecaster has said that we have received only 10 hours of sunlight this month. Humbug!
 Tucker, being an older, and wiser horse tends to take things in stride. She was still talking to me and demanding more sweet feed.
99 days till Spring!

December 11, 2012

Oh, Boy!

The Christmas favourite of Bing Crosby's called "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas" is no longer a favourite of mine.

For the first 11 days of December we have had snow when it was -26C and all the way up to zero today. I have plowed the road umpteen times, used the snow blower to move the stuff when there was no more room to plow it and have spent about 2 hours per day shoveling  plowing and blowing. Enough already! Us (retired) farmers need the moisture, but not this much.

shovelling-colorOur neighbour showed up the other night with a very large John Deere articulated loader and pushed back the snow banks on the side of our 400 foot driveway in order to make room for more. This was much appreciated! It's great to live in the country where every body looks after each other.

If you get stuck, someone will pull you out. If you get snowed in, someone will dig you out. If a horse gets free, someone will bring him home. Fortunately, I have taken more horses home than have been returned to me.

If the sun ever comes out, I will take a few random pictures around the place just to make all you folks without snow, a little envious. If I could, I would send you lots! :-}

Only 100 days 'till Spring!!!

November 25, 2012

Sweet Feed is So Good!

It's been in the -20C range at night so the girls are getting about a pint of sweet feed a day as a heat source. Oats and molasses must taste pretty good because the horses kind of swarm me. They come in close and fast, but know not to go for the bucket until it is spilled on the ground. Alpine, then tucker and finally Biz get their rations as per the established pecking order.

 Brooklyn is content to check the hay loft for mice or cats. She saw a cat in there about 2 years ago, and always checks to see if it has come back.
It was nice to see some sunshine again and hang out with the critters particularly after the last week. The truck failed to the cost of $500 and the septic pump failed to the cost of about $700. The driveway was ploughed out three times due to unforecast snow storms and all this while fighting cold temps and high winds ( wind chill of -31C)

Now all is up and running and the Grey Cup game is about to start. Have a great week!

November 16, 2012

Another Good Ride

Another sunny day at the freezing point. Tucker was not laughing so hard today when I caught her. She did enjoy the outing, but is still a little lame. Hopefully it is residual from the abscess from the spring and not arthritis. She is after all, almost 25.

 She enjoyed the open fields away from all horse eating objects, real or imagined.
 I include an older picture taken when I had company on the ride. It is much more fun riding with others. this is the field in back of us.
If you want to read some really good safety tips on dealing with horses, try this one
Link to Fernvalley

November 9, 2012

Enough, Already!

It's been snowing for a week! It's also hard to get motivated to get out and do things when it's also damp and cold. Cold being -12C or +10F. Later in the year these temperatures will seem good after we have acclimatized to them.

 One of the 5 burn piles is going to need a turbo boost ( shot of gasoline) to get it lit.
 All in all, things are kind of bleak with no sun to brighten it up.
 The driveway has been plowed 4 times with the quad and blade. Without that, it is very difficult to climb up to the garage area.
Biz has grown her woolly winter coat. It is thick enough that snow does not melt on her. Still, she is not impressed. I can see it in her eyes.
 It's pretty tough foraging. They seem to have forgotten that they ate everything right down to the ground. Still, they keep trying.
 All three get very vocal around feeding time, or anytime that I go near the hay shelter. Maybe it's just as well i don't speak horse!
 Brooklyn just takes it in stride. She has almost finished shedding for the year. That's why she looks so thin. She is quite content to be an indoor dog, and really enjoys her comfort.

Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny, so I am planning on going out to search for another deer.

'Nuff said!

November 2, 2012

I've Been challenged!

Illustration of a man getting ready to throw a snowball. Stock Photo - 5829435
It would appear that aka Dagmar, considers herself to be a world class snowball fighter. I say "Bring it on!"

The rules are as follows:
1. No head shots.
2. No loading the snowballs (or icing them)
3. No crying.

Now to make it more interesting , I would like to invite The Old Geezer, Gregg and Clint plus Texwisgirl to make it a fivesome on my side. Is there anybody besides Dagmar in Europe that can throw a snowball? To give you an advantage, I don't think Tex ever gets snow down there, so she may be out of practice. Hopefully, I can convince the U.N. to referee so that the battle doesn't escalate, or go nuclear.

PS... Dagmar suggested I do a post about a snow ball fight. Who am I to argue with a world champion?

November 1, 2012

Still Snowing!

When it's snowing and only -5 C (23F), it's a good day for a ride. There was no wind and the trails were eerily silent. Alpine here, was not very happy with me because just before the ride, I dosed her with the deworming medicine. It must taste awful as all three horses wanted no part of it. Any way, that's one task done for a while. Hooves are good until a trimming around Christmas. Now all there is left to do is try and work some riding in.

 Boots and Brooklyn accompanied me on the two hour ride. Boots was in much better condition than Brooklyn, who assumed her favourite sleeping position.
Only 6 more days to the U.S. election. We don't get much news about it in Canada, but I try to follow it on the internet. It is much the same as in Canada, lots of hype and not many detailed plans. Can anybody tell me why states like Virginia, are considered to be "swing" states?

October 12, 2012

One thing about a good snowstorm is that things are so nice and clean afterwards
 The trees that did not lose their leaves are very heavy and nasty to brush against. I had to shake our Mayberry,  apple and other trees because the branches were right at the break point. The raspberry bushes were flattened.
 It's tough going through the denser part of the Acreage.
 This gives you an idea of how sticky the snow was.
 The horses have been using the old road quite a bit looking for food. Alas, there is none, and winter feeding has started.
 Boots doesn't seem to mind the snow, except that Brooklyn appears to have taken over his dog house. Hopefull, they will learn to share, or I will have to add an addition.
It was fortunate that the onions were drying in the garage out of the snow and -7C (19.4F) temperature. Half are now safely stored in the pantry. The other half will likely be given away.
All in all, not a bad day!