Life On and Off an Acreage

In-sights into moving from an Acreage back to Town, plus a few things I find of interest.

Two things that horses are scared about:

1. Things that move
2. Things that don't move

Old enough to be eccentric, but not rich enough
Showing posts with label Spring scenes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spring scenes. Show all posts

April 22, 2020

Breakup on the Athabasca

This is a view of the Athabasca two days ago. The warm weather had opened up some of the river and raised the level about one foot

Here is another view two days ago. Some of the ice and debris dammed this side of the river, forcing more water into the main channel, much to the enjoyment of the ducks.

Yesterday, the top view became this. The ice was starting to move from upstream and the river's two flows have equalized.

Before long, the ice was building.

Some of the ice blocks ere several feet thick. I hope the river doesn't do what it did last year and dam off the whole flow below Town. The result caused the river to overflow the banks and flooded several thousand acres, and lots of houses. It washed out sections of the flats road. People were out of their houses for several weeks. 

April 23, 2014

About This April!

After a week of very nice weather, we had a rainfall warning issued. They did not mention that there was a possibility of snow with it. We woke up to sleet and snow 

 The trip to have coffee looked like this! Only in Alberta! Give it a few hours and it will likely be all gone. I hope!

Not much to do today except lay around and listen to Brooklyn snore, and Boots break wind! :-{

More Geese On the Athabasca

It appears that the major flocks are returning from the deep south.

A lot of the mature Canada Geese are already paired up. If it's green, it is endangered. Those folks are hungry!
There is always one goose on guard for the rest, and they take turns. Is it proper to call a goose "pigeon toed"?
Rats. I think they saw me.

June 5, 2013

Wordless Wednesday, Again.

No More rain for a while!

Some serious Munching!

Do you ever get the feeling that you are being watched?

May 28, 2013

Boots and Friends

Sometimes I can be a little shy, particularly when that guy with the camera is watching!
Then again, it's not hard to tell who is the fairest flower in the patch! No, not that tall grass eater!
 Too many pictures. I am bored.
 Too hot also. It should never get above 20C (68F)
 On a day like this it's OK to lurk in the horse candy.
 I can even lurk in the bushes. 
Darn, I am missing a horse! Maybe I should try what they're eating.

Hey, camera guy, can you put these critters back in their field so I can get a power nap?

May 27, 2013

Caught Napping

Sunday was a do nothing day after church. I debated on having a nap, or introducing the horses to fresh grass and horse candy. The latter won out.

I grabbed a lawn chair and vegetated for an hour and a half.

 I am still in the go-slow mode on how much fresh grass the pigs horses get at any one time. It was sunny after 3 days of rain and the grass was growing well. It was also peaceful except for the sounds of heavy munching!
 I chose not to rope off the drive way, but rather go with  the halter and untied lead rope. The horse know to move slow and keep off the rope, or suffer an instant correction.
 Munch, munch, munch!
 Boots took it easy also and kept a good eye on the herd.
 A very good eye!
 A couple of cow birds came in to browse around the horse's feet.
 Boots is not a bird dog, but definitely had an interest in the cow birds.
 Munch, munch, munch!
All in all, a very relaxing afternoon!

May 22, 2013


I sort of took the better part of the week off from blogging, mainly to enjoy a visit from our son, up from Houston, Texas. It was great to see him again.

 In the meantime, things have happened on the Acreage! Apple trees have blossomed, with lots of flowers and hopefully, plenty of apples. We still have the chance of frosts, but hopefully, not this year.
 The lower field is greening up.
The horses are still mainly on hay with about an hour and a half per day in the corral eating green grass.The upper field ( in the background is greening up nicely. It will be the second week in June before they are allowed in there. Can you spot Boots?
 The orchard is doing well and showing lots of promise. Cheap labour was offered and accepted this last week and the gardens were dug and prepared.
 Raspberry bushes were cleaned out and the dead canes removed and the live canes tied up.
 We are even eating fresh tomatoes from the green house. These plants (three) were bought from the nursery and will supply fresh tomatoes until fall.
 The rhubarb patch is almost ready for pies and crumbles.
 Strawberries have been planted and are flowering.
All in all, lots of changes on the acreage!

PS Thanks for not mentioning that the grass needs cutting!

May 12, 2013

Around the Acreage

Things are really starting to green out.

 The horses are finishing up their shedding and are starting to look like horses again rather than Woolly Mammoths.
 The sudden jump in temperature has brought out the flies. It's almost time for the face masks.
 Boots is always ( almost) on guard.
 A few more trees have been nibbled over the winter., Fortunately, this one was already dead.
 A single viola has made an appearance.
 A few wild strawberry plants are flowering.
 Sometimes it is really hard to get a tree to die!
 Brooklyn does not handle heat well.
 Tucker is still looking very scruffy

All in all, I'm starting to believe that spring is actually here!