Life On and Off an Acreage

In-sights into moving from an Acreage back to Town, plus a few things I find of interest.

Two things that horses are scared about:

1. Things that move
2. Things that don't move

Old enough to be eccentric, but not rich enough
Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts

November 30, 2011

The Real Reason for the Getaway 3 of 3

The last two posts of Elk and Sheep were the bonus part of the trip. The real reason was to enjoy my oldest son and family for the brief time that they were back in Canada.
There are many reasons for the trip, the first is the chance to get a family portrait in the "wilds" of the Shuswap.
The second is to get more photos  of the family. It may be a while before we get the chance again as they head back to the States on Tuesday.
It is a great chance to see kids playing in the snow.
It is a great spot to see fabulous scenery and watch the grand kids sliding.
It is also a chance to celebrate an early Christmas with them and to continue  the tradition of bringing home the tree.
It is an opportunity to see more scenery.

How's this for cute!

Family: What Christmas is all about, and celebrating God's gifts to us!

September 13, 2011

Bits and Pieces

This is what happens when you are a three year old visiting the Acreage. You build a nest in the middle of the floor and crash for three hours.
 On the way home today, I spotted the deer that has been at our salt lick all summer. This time she is in the second cut of alfalfa, enjoying a good snack until I came along
 Then there are her twins from this year, minus their spots. I could not get all three in the frame at one time.
Turning into the driveway I surprised a roughed grouse and her family of 7 chicks. The young ones are fast and disappeared into the brush before I could get a shot.

The chickens are starting to lay again. This shows a "normal" egg beside a not so normal egg and a penny for size comparison. I guess you can't fault a hen for trying! This has to be the smallest egg in three years!

The days are getting busy with the Men's Shelter being started (finally, after three years). The footings are poured.; the gravel spread; and the pony walls scheduled to be poured tomorrow. Being retired, so to speak, I get to volunteer labour against the construction grant. It keeps me busy and tired. Hopefully, I will get some pictures for the next blog.

March 11, 2011

Precut Blocks

It didn't take the grand kids long to find all my cut snow blocks
They are great for making forts!

The outside activity also wears off some excess energy. Why do teachers get so many Professional development Days? Back when i went to school, they were already developed!

Max, the wonder pup was right involved. He will be a tired pup tonight.

Camryn and AJ will also be fairly tired.

Brooklynn wore out early. It's been a tough week for her. There was an hour and a half horse ride to accompany, and then Mad Max showed up. Lots of wrestling, ball chasing and general running around involved.

Hopefully, we shall start seeing the end of the snow shortly. The next few days are forecast to be between +6 and +9 C, followed by two weeks of above zero daytime temperatures.

It's seems like it has been a very long winter this year. Only 10 days to Spring! Yahoo!
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December 23, 2010

Igloos and the Outdoors

Another great day in the outdoors! It was only -17C (+3F)  and we had the grand kids today. Two days ago, we cleared the snow off the deck which make a pretty good sized pile. We let the snow set up for two days and it turned out real great for digging out a snow shelter. AJ worked real hard at it (with me giving a hand with the big snow scoop) and voila, an igloo!

It still needs to be dug out a bit more, but with cold hands and a little snow down the neck, we elected to go in and watch a movie.

Earlier we had walked the dogs down to the far end of the property and tired them out chasing sticks. Max ( the black lab) is now on a diet, and my son and grandson have been told to take 20 pounds off him, so I expect that we will be having a few more days like this. It won't hurt Brooklynn either.

There is something about digging into a big pile of snow that is timeless! My Dad and I made igloos. My sons and I made igloos. And now, my grandson and I make igloos. Total cost? Nothing! No batteries, and minimal number of moving parts.

We put pegs in from the outside so that we know when there is only 12" of snow left. That prevents accidentally digging through. Then we remove the pegs.

There is a caution though! Have an adult there in case the roof collapses in the early stage to pull the guy out and keep the roof to about 12 inches thick. At that thickness, the kids can stand up and get out by themselves.

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October 18, 2010

Kids and Critters

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There is something about barnyard critters that seems to attract kids. Nothing would have it, but to get into the pen with the birds, even though the turkeys are very big. I caught one of the Gold Laced Wyandottes so that they could all feel what dinner was like on the hoof. Only one or two wanted to pet a turkey. Those guys are a little intimidating!

The turkeys and roosters are now on the finisher feed, the last supper so to speak, before entering the holiday freezer. I for one, will be happy to see them go as I am now up to 10 gallons of water and 6 pails of feed per day. They do eat a lot! The new hens are starting to lay and last years hens have finished the  molt. The new eggs are about 1/4 the size of an  old egg, but you know what they say "Practice makes perfect!" The eggs will soon start getting to normal size.

We started with 13 turkeys this year, lost 2 as babies ( probably shipping damage) and lost one adult, cause unknown.

The Toms are likely 30 pounds dressed out and the hens about 20. We shall see next weekend! I want to get them all put away before the cold weather comes. Elaine has this thing about chicken viscera, feathers etc. in her kitchen!

I expect that the grand kids will be up to see the process. They all know where their dinner comes from, and seem all right with it.
And so, another year of raising fowl comes to an end!

I can just see The Old Geezer and a few other senior citizens sitting and sharpening up their false teeth. Oh yeah, also drooling in anticipation!