Life On and Off an Acreage

In-sights into moving from an Acreage back to Town, plus a few things I find of interest.

Two things that horses are scared about:

1. Things that move
2. Things that don't move

Old enough to be eccentric, but not rich enough
Showing posts with label Spring scenes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spring scenes. Show all posts

March 31, 2013

Easter Weekend

Happy Resurrection Day to Everybody!

Our youngest son , his wife, and oldest boy are in Uganda on a mission trip. Along with Mad max, we have our youngest grandchild and sister for the next two weeks. So far, all of them are doing great. Noah gets to play with his dog in the snow, and Camryn gets to watch as she is on crutches due to broken bones in her foot
 As you can see, temperatures are great +10C and the snow is going fast! Some might say "Not fast enough"
 Max is big and boisterous and is great at knocking kids over. Shortly after this i had to go and rescue a boot when it came off about 2 feet down. The wet snow ate it.
No, he doesn't have gloves on! His choice.

March 30, 2013

Spring is Coming!

 The snow is still plenty deep where the sun don't shine much
 However, in select spots there are a few glimmers of hope. Up against the hay shelter there is GREEN GRASS!

The level in the holding area has dropped about 2 feet in the last three days and water ( plus other things) are flowing off the field.
It seems that we have been waiting forever for this to start!

A few people have reported geese flying on the Athabasca River, but I haven't seen any yet.

March 28, 2013

Out For a Walk

We've got a guest for the next two weeks, Mad Max. Lots of energy, warm day, time to burn some of the energy off. It's easy going on the packed snowshoe trail. Even I had no trouble walking. It was so nice that  Boots left the horses for a while.

However, if you step off the trail, it's a different story. It did not slow Max down at all.
Brooklyn, now, that's a little bit different. "I don't leave trails".
"Well, for a stick, maybe I'll venture out a bit".
Max: " Come on and play with me"
Brooklyn: " Nope, too much like work, got a good stick here".
Max: " Well, maybe there is a stick under here".
Max: "Nope. No stick. Come on and play"
Boots: " Enough of this nonsense. Got to go and watch the horses".
"I'm hot. I'm tired. I'm overheated. I am in the shade and on ice! Don't bug me!"
 "Likewise over here. However, whatever people may hint at, I'm NOT over weight! I am just FLUFFY!"

March 15, 2013

March 15 Dusting of Snow

 This is the well used trail down to the lower pasture. Time to get out the snowshoes again. Close to 30 cm (12 inches) of snow fell the last two days.
 The driveway was a mess this morning. A trip to town required 4 wheel drive most of the way in and back. No sign of any plows yet in our area. I took that amount off the driveway yesterday.
 My son's truck may be here for a while longer. It is 2 wheel drive.
 I still need to shovel out the trails to the horse area.
 If Brooklyn gets any wider in the back end, I may have to widen the path. Can't have side rub!
She is watching the neighbours closely, just in case there is something interesting going on.

How was your day?

February 18, 2013

Help Much Appreciated!

The warm, spring like weather has caused a whole bunch of land mines to grow in the field. I cleaned up 8 wheel barrow loads the other day, and that pretty much did my back in for a week. I am due to go in for an MRI next Monday to see what is going on. In the mean time, my youngest son and oldest grand son came up to help clear the field.

 This was much appreciated, and reduced a 4 hour job down to 1 1/2 hours.
Another 7 barrow loads went on to the big pile for composting. Now if I could just train the horses to do their thing on the pile, life would be excellent! I heard Llamas do that. Nice Llamas!

We have another tentative date to clean up again next Saturday. This is much better than going to the gym!

June 14, 2012

Thoughtless Thursday

This is the second hummingbird moth that we've seen this year. It is very difficult to get a wing stoppage like I lucked into last year.

 Some going to seed

 Some still blooming. I just found out that busy bees do not like being photographed. No stings, but I was warned.

June 13, 2012

Soggy Days

We have had rain 4 out of the last 5 days, sometimes really heavy. Other than not being able to get much done outside, it sure has made the grass grow! The lawn requires mowing twice a week.

 The horses are happy with the new grass. I have been introducing them to fresh grass for about two hours a day to try to get their systems adjusted. The expression "loose as a Goose" also applies to horses!
 Brooklyn is not really scowling, just finishing up a rawhide bone. This is her leave me alone face. She is rather pampered.
 Guess where the horses are. Boots is having to sit up now in order to see his herd.
The horses here are just easing back into the holding area, heading for the barn so to speak. Friday is supposed to be a better day so I can resume my summer activity, lawn cutting.

June 10, 2012

Through the Trees

They're back! Actually they just disappear for a day or two. The little buck has grown his horns from button to about 6 inches and two points per side. It will be interesting to see if he adds any more points.

 As you can see, the whitetails get along very well with the horses, and vice versa.
 There were four in the holding area, all at one time, but frolicking around so much, I couldn't get all four in. One young buck, one doe and two fawns from last year. The fawns were just like kids. When mother was bothered, she put the run on them and they just kept egging her on.
They really do like my salt lick!
 The adults go over the fence and the youngsters tend to slither through. They don't seem to mind the barbed wire.

June 8, 2012

Around the Acreage

The view across the way. 

 Tiger swallowtail

 Boots, the lurker
 Biz, still munching new grass
 21 C (70F)- too hot for man and beast!
A new young lady learning to ride on Biz. She is taking lessons at a riding academy, but wants to practice.