This was kind of expected when our Conservative government privatized the power industry. They said that no this would never happen.
Now is this greed at its worst in the power companies?
They had a spokesperson on TV the other night that could not answer the question as to why it was going up. He said that it might be because of increased population, or maybe increased industrial demand or several other issues that I was too much in shock to remember. As far as I can tell the Alberta population has not increased by 70%, industry has not grown by that much, nor have the sum totals of all the lame possibilities that he suggested. Personally, I would have fired the guy!
The issue that he did not mention was the possibility that the user population is paying for a proposed power line expansion.
What does this mean to this retired acreage owner?
First of all, the chickens have to go as we cannot afford to over winter them.
Second, the cost of produce is going to go up again. Have you priced a roast of beef, or a chicken in Alberta lately?
Third, this will definitely cause industry that is thinking of moving here to go elsewhere.
Fourth, it will accelerate inflation
Fifth, it is NOT the thing to do when we are on the verge of recession/depression.
Hint: When any government starts talking privatization, be prepared to come out swinging!
What about you? are you satisfied with $12+ per gigajoule? Or in other words (English) prepared to take a 70% hike in your electricity cost? $12 is now, $18 is coming.
I would be interested in hearing your comments, as I am going to be writing the various levels of government this week and our new Premier Elect.