Life On and Off an Acreage

In-sights into moving from an Acreage back to Town, plus a few things I find of interest.

Two things that horses are scared about:

1. Things that move
2. Things that don't move

Old enough to be eccentric, but not rich enough
Showing posts with label Daphne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daphne. Show all posts

September 5, 2018

Spa Day

Twice a year Daphne goes to the trimmers where she gets a wash, perfume and a trim. In the fall, and spring, she can get confused with a floor mop. She likes to grow hair!

The after photo shows her in a better condition While at the vet today it seems everybody coming and going had positive comments and had to stop to skritch her. Daphne loved every minute of it. Other than 3 pounds over weight, she passed with flying colours. I was told to cut down on the treats and food. Hopefully, the Vet was talking about her and not me!
Now she is good until spring!

July 15, 2018

Bits and Pieces

Things have been pretty quiet around the area lately. I couldn't find much in the way of wildlife other than Daphne. The grass is getting long enough that she is having trouble finding rabbits.


She is still loving a swim on a hot day! Wet, she looks like a drowned rat.


 I caught up with a great Blue Heron. one of my favourite birds.

 For a skinny, road runner type bird, she has a large wingspan.

The Marbled Godwits are back in the fields rooting for food in the mud.

 The Killdeers are showing up again.

 Alas, our wrens have now left their nests. Hopefully they will be back next year!

June 6, 2018

Bits and Pieces

Once again I am behind on my blogging! Daphne was very interested in the Geese, but realized that she could not get at them. Its just as well, because the Athabasca is still running high and fast.

I caught this Red Squirrel eyeing Daphnia and myself closely.

I tried and tried to catch this Red Winged Blackbird in flight but he was too fast for me. I also discovered a new den in the are, possibly a badger or wolf. I will be back to check it out.

 Here is a Song Sparrow ( I think) but in poor light conditions
 Then I came across this new born calf. He looked so grumpy, I had to take a picture. I kept a close eye on the other cows whose territory I was trespassing on. They watched me closely.
Google is not letting comments through to my posts. They say they are working on it.

March 7, 2018

The Beginning of Spring-like Weather

At last we are getting a break in the weather with temperatures forecast to be above freezing into double digits for the next 2 weeks. Spring is here?

My faithful companion and I did a walk today, enjoying the sunshine.

 At first I thought it really was spring as the bushes were flowering. Wishful thinking?
 The Eagle was still on his perch watching the River for fish, or, maybe, just enjoying the sunshine. It still looks like he has attitude!

 There were still more ducks on the river today. They look very healthy in spite of the -30C weather that we have had.

I am looking forward to the heat and snow shrinkage. It will be lots easier to get out!

February 16, 2018

Down the Road Again...

 It is fun to be out and about! You might call it
 " 4 wheel freedom" . Even when the snow is so deep you can never catch those pesky rabbits, it is fun

It is even more fun when you come home and get snuggles from the youngest Grand (Pumpkin)Child.
The two of them bonded immediately!

Daphne was very spoiled (even more than normal) by
the time the eldest son and family left.

It was a short, but happy visit

Here is the rest of the family!

January 24, 2018

Odds and Sods

 Here are a couple of pictures of the Athabasca River in its frozen glory. It is very cold out today.

Even so, it is very pretty to look at.

Daphne was quite content to lie on the deck next to her best friend.

This fellow was quite the handsome guy. I have no idea who he belongs to, but I remember how wild the horses used to get when we rode up to them. Quite often we would have a mini-rodeo on the road until we could persuade the horses to go past.

Then again, there was
 this little squirrel just sitting on a roll of barbed wire enjoying a snack.

December 4, 2017

How to Wear a Dog Out!

A guy could walk the dog, but better yet, let another dog wear her out before the walk.Percy is a young Golden Retriever and just as stubborn as Daphne, a Rough Collie.

They performed for about 30 minutes before they mutually wore out.

March 20, 2017

It's Amazing What Two Years of Love and Exercise will Do!

This was Daphne when we first got her two years ago. She was 4 years old and we rescued her from an Edmonton rescue facility, Infinite Woofs Rescue Association. She was locked in a garage with 9 puppies for three months before being turned in to IWRA. 65 pounds with a thin coat for December/

This is Daphne now. She is still 65 pounds with a filled out coat

She is excellent with other dogs, children all the way down to four months and very protective of Elaine when it comes to strangers.

Did I mention "cute" also?

March 7, 2017

Enough, Already!

Here we are , March 7 and we have more snow than ever! 8 inches over the last few days, and 4 more days forecast. Daphne is the only one that doesn't seem to mind the -15C and the snow.

February 22, 2017

Enjoying the Great Outdoors

I found this little mule Deer on the way to the Dog Park. She is slightly fluffy!


She was scratching away, looking for grass.

 I didn't expect to see this Northern Shrike within the Town limits

Not his better side!

Then of course, is the peerless squirrel and partridge chaser.

Definitely a happy dog!

January 1, 2017

Simply Amazing

Just after Christmas, we had an amazing event happen. My son and I decided to take our dogs for a good long walk to get rid of some hypersensitivity. I drove Daphne over to the place where they were staying, way over on the other side of town. We entered the house and Max and Daphne ran around for a bit, and the four of us set off. She had never been to this place before.

We walked about 6 blocks with the dogs on leashes then cut down the Ravine Trail. It is pretty rough terrain due to trees, brush and deadfalls.

Almost at the other end, Daphne spotted four deer and took off after them. She would not recall and Mike and I spent about an hour trying to call her back or find her tracks. No luck!

We decided that we would return to the house and get some vehicles to cover more street, hoping that some coyotes or a cougar did not get her, then if necessary return after dark with flashlights.

It took a while to get back out of the gulley and get back to the house. As we turned the corner into the yard, what was sitting on the from steps of the house? Yep. Daphne.

How she found her way out of the Ravine, maneuvered about 12 blocks of town and found the house that she had only been to once, is beyond me!

Good dog, Daphne!  

November 27, 2016

My Weekend

 We had youngest son, second oldest grand daughter and youngest grand son here for the weekend. It was good to have a visit! However, Daphne was worn out and pretty laid back the next day. She took to her couch and didn't move much.

 Not to be outdone, our almost 15 year old granddaughter, who shall go unnamed  was observed the following morning, late by the way, in worse shape than Daphne. She was enjoying the visit with her friend, and both of them ended up Christmas baking after an over nighter. Note: Follow the arrow to see the effect!

Life is tough at times!

November 9, 2016

Hanging on to Summer!

All the snow has gone and the weather is back into the +20's (C). Is it too much to hope that we just experienced a very short winter?

The raptors are still hanging around. Hopefully the Rough-legged hawks will stay through to spring.

These two are the palest that I have seen. I am not sure if it a winter plumage, or a sign of young birds.

Once again I was caught napping and did not get the focus/shutter speed right.

Daphne is enjoying the minimal snow and mud. I do not have to leash her since she seldom leaves my side. If there is a rabbit, she will run about 50 ft and then come back.

She has a LOT of energy!

October 15, 2016

The Boss

When you go into the bedroom and see this, there is no doubting who the Boss is! Daphne will re-arrange things to her liking.

She is also very good at saying "What do you mean, get off the bed? I am the Boss"

When you look into those eyes, who can doubt it!