Life On and Off an Acreage

In-sights into moving from an Acreage back to Town, plus a few things I find of interest.

Two things that horses are scared about:

1. Things that move
2. Things that don't move

Old enough to be eccentric, but not rich enough

February 2, 2013

Early Spring!

The last few days have been great, with another 10 days to come! Temperatures have been above freezing by up to 5 degrees Celsius and I have been able to do outside chores with no jacket or gloves! I took 5 wheelbarrows of "black gold" out of the horse paddock today and filled the horse trough with water. Putting off what I should have done earlier paid off. Working with hose and water when it's not -40C (-40F) like last week was much more enjoyable!
Biz... aka "the Culprit
After several (many) attempts to tip over my wheelbarrow, I decided to saddle up the culprit and get her to show some respect. For some reason, she likes to tip over wheelbarrows, preferably when they are full.

The ride was great! She behaved, the roads had very little traffic on them and we picked up 2 dogs along the way for the walk.

When you look at that face, how can you stay mad at her?


  1. that is an absolutley gorgeous picture of Biz....had to laugh that she likes to tip over you harness her to it or does she just push it over with her snout, or whatver you call that part of a horse? No jacket needed in february? (:O)

  2. I like the black and white picture. Sounds like you had a great ride.

  3. She is priceless...happy you are getting some warmer weather.

  4. Long may your warm spell last!


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