Life On and Off an Acreage

In-sights into moving from an Acreage back to Town, plus a few things I find of interest.

Two things that horses are scared about:

1. Things that move
2. Things that don't move

Old enough to be eccentric, but not rich enough

February 1, 2011

Back to Work

The infamous horse trough needed to be filled, again. It seems that about every second day I put the 100 foot hose in, connect it to the faucet and wait 15 minutes for it to fill, then drain the hose and repeat in 2 days. Three horses sure do drink a lot when they are on dry hay!
It was time to check the upper pasture for broken fence wire or moose knock downs. Today, everything was copacetic.  Brooklynn was bounding and trying to keep up with not much success. She is up to 95 pounds, so is getting more exercise, like it or not.
The top of the hill in the distance is about 10 miles away. Today, it was so clear (and cold) you could almost reach out and touch it.
After two days of -30C (-22F) the horses were content to soak up some rays. It had warmed up nicely to -10C (+14F). I used the pick axe and rake to pile up 9 wheelbarrow loads of horse poop and tomorrow when it gets up to the freezing mark, I will haul it to the compost pile. I thought that I would save everyone from a picture of the piles. It ain't pretty!

Incidentally, Biz is telling Boots by her foot position, that one step closer and we are going to play tag!
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  1. And isn't Boots the one that has the head damage already? Yikes! We're about 20 degrees F here right now outside Dallas. Big talk since it is Superbowl week here in Big D...

  2. Winter is always cold and it makes the chores outside miserable.. but there isn't anything prettier than a winter in the country.. I love your pictures!!! Pretty country AND some really beautiful horses :)

  3. While I wouldn't dab it behind my ears, I think horse poo smells kinda nice. TMI?

  4. texwisgirl: Yep Boots is now up to 38 times that I have seen, now working on 39.

    Mandy : Thanks for the compliments (blush)

    Cathy M.: Yep, and the rest of the horse smells pretty good too!

  5. We have cows, so I have really gotten to like the smell of cow manure. Strange, but I guess that comes with country living, right?!

  6. Looks like you have a fun life in the country, very nice pictures:)

  7. Good Morning, Ian,
    You have such lovely horses and lovely dogs, dear. Please, take good care of them.
    Please, keep warm with all your dear family.
    I am praying for all of you to get a warmer and better weather soon. It looks like it is pretty freezing in your corner of the world.
    God be with all of you, Ian.
    I am glad to know that you like my poetry.
    Welcome Aboard at Anytime, Ian!!
    Starry Dawn.

  8. Wow, I hope Boots avoided "playing".

  9. That pile will be golden in the spring when it is time to plant.

  10. that the dog that had all those nasty bites? Silly!
    I am glad to hear it is starting to get toasty around your place. I guess that is a nice little break.


  11. The photos are great! They really give a sense of the cold.
    Thanks so much for your comment letting me know my rainbow/icebow was a sun dog! I've never seen one before, and I enjoyed reading up on them. Very interesting!

  12. I don't have any acreage but I sure did enjoy looking at yours! Beautiful. Sounds like a nice way of life. Mine too. Just different.


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