The grandkids and their Dad were present to watch this and were slightly grossed out, particularly when I told AJ to stand close as the vet was doing a 2 for 1 day. He disappeared pretty fast! I also told them that this was why they had to brush twice a day. They both have been to the dentist before, but their eyes opened pretty wide at the thought of that contraption and drill operating.
For those of you that have never seen the procedure, the video, lifted from "Barnmice" gives an idea of what is involved. We did it in the paddock with Mike holding up the head on his shoulders and myself keeping Boom from backing up, no easy tasks. The horse did not mind at all.

I used to have an ArabX mare that went berserk when having anything done to her.
ReplyDeleteAfter that horse, I stuck to good, old quarter horses!
You wonder how they looked after the horses teeth 100 years gone by??? They probably rotted out....they or ate better food? I love horses and all our pets should be well cared for...
ReplyDeleteGod Bless you. CML
Crystal Mary; Actually, the jaw opening apparatus has been around for several thousand years. Back then they used files to do the job. Files apparently, do not bother the horse.