Life On and Off an Acreage

In-sights into moving from an Acreage back to Town, plus a few things I find of interest.

Two things that horses are scared about:

1. Things that move
2. Things that don't move

Old enough to be eccentric, but not rich enough

September 13, 2018

On the Positive Side

Yesterday was our first snow day of fall. We had a lot of moisture come down, but fortunately it was half rain and half snow, and has now pretty much melted.

The Magpies were flitting around , much like normal

 Its funny that every year after the first heavy frost or snow, the Robins descend and attack the Choke Cherry tree. I guess the cold sweetens and/or softens them.

Here is one trying to reach a clump of berries. Too dull a day to get a fast shutter speed!

On the positive side, the snow didn't stay!

September 10, 2018

River Walk

Besides the header change, here are a few of the "big game" shots taken today. Had to get a walk in today because we could have 5 to 10 cm of snow hit us over the next few days. The chipmunk was busy filling his cheeks with grass seed

 He was hard to pick out when he got in the grass. Daphne wanted a piece of him, but was on the leash.
 There was only one goose on the main river. The Sand Hill Cranes have been cruising over at about 3 to 5000 feet in big Vs of about 150 birds
 This Mallard hen either found something good in the mud, or was beached.
Snow! Not ready for it!

September 8, 2018

Patience Pays Off

All summer I have been watching for this guy. We have seen the grass move, and Daphne has chased something through the very tall grass. The Town cut back the grass from the pathway, and today we caught him out in the open. He was fast and this is the only shot I got of him.
Anybody know what type of critter this is? I think it is a ground squirrel, but am not sure what type.

Any help in identifying this critter would be appreciated!

September 7, 2018

Groundhog Day?

I thought Groundhog Day was in the spring. I guess I was wrong. In all the time I have spent in the bush around here, this is only the second time that I have come across them

 It could be that with the colder weather, he is looking for a place to den up. Anyway he was not shy, but kept a good eye on Daphne and myself.
 He liked to pose! He would disappear for a bit then come part way out. Now that I know where he is, I will do a quieter job of sneaking up. 
 Yep, definitely a wary eye! 

September 5, 2018

Spa Day

Twice a year Daphne goes to the trimmers where she gets a wash, perfume and a trim. In the fall, and spring, she can get confused with a floor mop. She likes to grow hair!

The after photo shows her in a better condition While at the vet today it seems everybody coming and going had positive comments and had to stop to skritch her. Daphne loved every minute of it. Other than 3 pounds over weight, she passed with flying colours. I was told to cut down on the treats and food. Hopefully, the Vet was talking about her and not me!
Now she is good until spring!

September 1, 2018

Two Against One

Here are a few shots of one of my grand daughters sent to me by her mother. Thanks, Jonita!

Actually, she is normally fairly normal

This is a normal shot.... of her hedgehog Biscuit

And this is what happens when grand daughter and friend attempt to gang up on poor Grandpa with the intention of tickling him. By the way, Grandpa is not ticklish!

Sure wished they lived closer.

Have a great long weekend!

August 30, 2018

The Smoke Has Lifted!!

Here is another first for this area! Two Mourning Doves! I have seen them elsewhere but never here.

They are not the sharpest photos, but were the best I could get under the circumstances.
The young Pileated Woodpecker is still in the area. It appears to be a bad hair day.
Mr. Crow is looking a little bedraggled to say the least. It is great to be able to get out now that the smoke has lifted and the sky has cleared. All the sources are predicting a bitterly cold winter for the Western Prairies. I sure hope they are wrong!

August 24, 2018

Harvest Time

No, this isn't a harvest moon, but, rather the noon day sun through the (yecht) smoke. It has been almost impossible to take decent photos these last two weeks due to the smoke!

I did try to catch this Red Tailed Hawk, but gave up. The ISO was so high and the smoke so thick this is what I got.

Meanwhile our garden is producing well. We are eating fresh potatoes, lettuce and carrots, also some beets. When you don't have a lot of space, you plant close, and dense. It all works out!
This last shot was from the end of July to show what one month of growing does around here.

Hopefully, your garden is growing and producing well.

August 22, 2018

Fall is Coming! Too Fast

It seems that every time I go out, the signs of an early fall get to me. The Bohemian Waxwings are flocking up and decimating the berry trees.

 The Bees are getting pollen from the late blooming thistles. Not many wildflowers are still in bloom.
 Here are a few pin cherries the birds and bears haven't got to yet.
 The mallards are flocking up and appear to be getting ready to go. One good sign that spring may take a while is that the male mallards are still up north. Great idea that, head north, eat drink and party all summer while the missus raises the kids!
 Honey bees are still very active around the garden
 The Pileated Wood Pecker is still digging out grubs.

What say, am I wrong in predicting an early fall? 

August 17, 2018

I Am So Done with Apples!

My three young apple trees  produced very well this year, and I am worn out baking! I have 7 of these pies in the freezer. One got sacrificed to see if it was edible.

 I have also finished up with 8 apple crumbles and they are in the process of going into the Hotel Frigidaire. Well 7 are anyway. One got intercepted for testing purposes. It also passed. In the background are 5 jars of preserved applesauce. Yes, I have been busy!

More Crumbles!

 This little apparatus made all the peeling and coring easy! Thank you, Lee Valley!

I guess the work is done for another year! Oh, wait, there are still two bags of cherries to either make pies, or muffins with, if I can figure out how to get the pits out. Life is not the pits, but cherries may be!

August 13, 2018

Blue Monday!

It is a sure sign that fall is getting close when these windflowers start to bloom!

This Mama is getting close to being an empty nester! Three birds present, but you have to look close to find them. Bigification helps.

August 12, 2018

There is Nothing Like...

Growing your own apple trees. Every place we have lived, we have planted fruit trees, Kenora, Iroquois Falls, Fort William and Whitecourt (2X).

 I have been watching them for a while and decided it was time for the harvest. Shake the tree, and down they come!

So far, I have seven of these dudes in the freezer. We had to sacrifice one to ensure they are edible. It was definitely edible! If I shake the tree one more time, I will have lots for desiccating. Dried apples are very good.

Oh yeah, there are two more trees besides this one.

August 10, 2018

Tough Day for Photos!

Visibility was officially down to 1.6 km due to the forest fires in B.C. The light was similar to what you would find at sundown. The closest fires are about 900 km away!

Even though it was sunny with no clouds in the sky, you would never know it! 

This next shot is taken from a distance of 0.5 km, In the Athabasca River Valley. 

I did get some small critter pictures. I couldn't find the big ones
 Not sure what this beetle is. I think it is just a common, black ground beetle. I have exhausted my resources on this.

 My Scottish heritage is coming through.

August 9, 2018

Big Boo Boos

This is what happens when you wear running shoes that are slightly on the small size on a 9 km walk with the dog. It did not hurt while walking, but sure did the next day. I guess about 6 months to grow out. You would think I was old enough to know better.😔

August 8, 2018

This is what happens when you ask your 11 year old Granddaughter if she ever takes her pet groundhog for a walk!