Life On and Off an Acreage

In-sights into moving from an Acreage back to Town, plus a few things I find of interest.

Two things that horses are scared about:

1. Things that move
2. Things that don't move

Old enough to be eccentric, but not rich enough
Showing posts with label Wind Chill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wind Chill. Show all posts

January 14, 2011

Why Me?

My owners gave me a very nice horse shelter, but I'm too stubborn to use it! I would rather put make up on. This is almost as good as a mud pack!

I could use the horse shelter, I guess, if I have to.... but then would I still be a rough tough Alberta  hoss?

Maybe that's pride showing up..

Note from owner: Nope, that's stupidity!

What do you think? Is this my better side?

or this?

Wind Chill
A measure of the cooling effect of wind. Wind increases the rate at which a body loses heat, so the air on a windy day feels cooler than the temperature indicated by a thermometer. This heat loss can be calculated for various combinations of wind speed and air temperature and then converted to a wind chill equivalent temperature (or wind chill factor).

Wind Speed (MPH) =
Air Temperature (ºF) =

Old Wind Chill Index
 º F
New Wind Chill Index
 º F

The formulas used to calculate the wind chill index are:
Old Wind Chill Index (Pre-November 2001) =
91.4 - (0.474677 - 0.020425 * 
V + 0.303107 * sqrt(V)) * (91.4 - T)
New Wind Chill Index =
35.74 + 0.6215T - 35.75(V0.16) + 0.4275T(
V = wind speed (mph)
T = temperature (F) 

    Courtesy of

Present situation:
Temp -20F
Wind speed 16 mph
Old wcf -60.14 degrees F
New wcf -45.72 degrees F

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