Coming back from Church today, I decided to do some vegetating on the patio with a book, a cold pop, and my camera. The female Tree Swallow decided to sit on the feeder right by me. It was a +30C day and I don't blame her for being out and about.
The male took the relief watch while she was sunbathing.
He did not enter the nest, but stuck his head in every now and again.
Our ornamental crab tree is blooming its head off.
It is a very pretty tree and has lots of bees flying around it.
The Individual flowers are pretty, and once they berry out, should attract the Robins and Bohemian Waxwings in the fall. (I hope).
I am very pleased with the camera since I can sit in my chair without moving and capture everything with ease. The focal length ranges in these shots from 1249 to 4995 mm ( 35 mm equivalent). The last flower is at 200 times magnification. It is hard to catch a bee on an individual flower at this magnification. Hence no bee shots.
This Black Capped Chickadee is also starting to nest in the second bird house, down one from the swallow. She is still a little nervous.