Our snow has almost gone! The last two weeks have been spent cleaning up outside.
The patio furniture has been unstacked, washed and placed into the summer position.
The garage has been cleaned out of all the winter accumulation and junk, including the multi pounds of sand that came in with the cars.
The fruit trees have all been pruned back, including our ornamental crab apple. I took about 1/3 of the branches off it as it was getting very scraggly looking.
The dog, Daphne has me trained in two walks a day for a total of about 6 miles. It is much better now that the snow is gone and it is warm.
Even with a sprained foot (mine) she insisted on her walks. It was funny in that I went to get it x-rayed, due to the possibility of a bone in the foot being broken then the next day, rolled it again. The foot swelling went done, but I cant find my ankle bone.
and take a picture. As you can see, she was not very happy! I stayed just out of spray range.
I was looking for shots of skunks for about years. Patience is great!
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