Life On and Off an Acreage

In-sights into moving from an Acreage back to Town, plus a few things I find of interest.

Two things that horses are scared about:

1. Things that move
2. Things that don't move

Old enough to be eccentric, but not rich enough

March 1, 2014

Happy March 1st !

Normally, when March rolls in, we are thinking of spring being just around the corner. Not so today, or for the next 3 days coming. Dagnabit, I need heat!

Today will be sit on the couch and vegetate day with a good book and the drapes drawn.

 Anybody know a good heat dance?


  1. We had minus 23 F. this morning. We're staying in where it's warm!

  2. Oh my. Now that's COLD!

  3. You could go south for the winter.....

  4. You could go south for the winter.....

  5. That is way yonder too cold.

  6. Ian, this is crazy! We're just heading into a deep freeze (not as cold as you've had, though).
    March is only here in mind, not in body, eh?

  7. Thank God you don't have to go out
    to take care of the horses... stay warm!

  8. Summer is over and today it really feels like it as it is cool and wet


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