Life On and Off an Acreage

In-sights into moving from an Acreage back to Town, plus a few things I find of interest.

Two things that horses are scared about:

1. Things that move
2. Things that don't move

Old enough to be eccentric, but not rich enough

April 29, 2012

Things We Take for Granted

Pussy Willows are often seen, but rarely does anyone take a really good look at the complexity of each and every bloom. It's just like life, a lot is going on, but is never noticed.
When you get in really close, things become more obvious.
When we get as close as possible, details that are normally hidden, or unnoticed, jump right out at you.

Often events such as this are so fleeting that they are easily missed. In this busy life, are things going by so fast that we are missing the details? Or failing to smell the roses, so to speak? Or giving thanks to the Creator for His miracles?


  1. Life is full of tiny miracles right before us each and everyday. A wonderful reminder.

  2. wow, ian, these are nice! did that lil ol' camera take these?! :) must be the skilled hands of its operator. :)

  3. Not so skilled, but yes, your camera took the photos. By the way, have I said "Thanks" this month?

  4. Great capture of the beautiful details!

  5. Very nice. Beautiful shots!


  6. Absolutely beautiful pictures and such a great post overall.

  7. Thank you for sharing, Ian. We should never take for granted all the beauty that surrounds us. A beautiful post.

  8. Beautiful pictures. Thank you for sharing with us all. Hugs, Bobbi Jo


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