Life On and Off an Acreage

In-sights into moving from an Acreage back to Town, plus a few things I find of interest.

Two things that horses are scared about:

1. Things that move
2. Things that don't move

Old enough to be eccentric, but not rich enough

February 25, 2011

Primitive Times!

Once again we are learning on how to survive without well water. We got up Thursday morning and found that the water was gone from the taps. I figured as it was about -30C that the well had frozen below surface again. Not so. After dumping about 3 gallons of boiling water down the well head there was no improvement. I checked the pressure switch. It had current and was calling for the pump to start. The lines above the well head were nice and warm. After 2 hours on the phone, I found an electrician that would come up and check things out. He found no current going down the well and no resistance, meaning that the wires had separated or that the pump had blown.

Two more hours on the phone got me a well pump service guy that maybe can show up Sunday or Monday.

The fix involves pulling the 170 feet of pipe up the hole to get at the problem. Maybe the weather will cooperate as pulling pipe at -30C is not fun.

Posted by PicasaI would anticipate the cost for the service and pump replacement will be in the order of $1000. Hopefully, the pump is OK, but that is unlikely as it's been pumping for 14 years.

In the meantime we are showering at our son's place, melting snow and ice for the chickens and washing dishes. The water trough heater for the horses is melting ice about as fast as the horses are drinking it.

Hopefully, I will not have to haul water from town.

Meanwhile we are sort of learning what the pioneers went through.  Fun stuff!

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  1. Oh no! I have so been there. We lost our water supply during a drought for 3 months (well drillers were backed up, and that's how long it took to get one out to drill). Course then our spring started back up the day they drilled. Isn't that irony for ya?
    Hope it's a fairly quick (and inexpensive) fix for you.

  2. A big UGH! on your behalf! Oh the things we take for granted until we don't have them anymore!!! Sorry, Ian!

  3. I will be praying! We had our underground pipe burst at the beginning of January and then again 4weeks later. 2,000 dollars later and a messy dug up yard. -30 and no water is not fun.


  4. Hello Ian, don't we take life for granted until its no longer there..I cannot really understand this because I live in the tropics. No water!!!
    No life giving commodity. We here in Oz take care not to waste this precious substance.
    Hope it sorts out soon.

  5. My word, what a pain in the neck. However, the good Lord knew what He was doing. Hopefully, you can get it fixed soon.

  6. Someone showing up for a repair on a Sunday? Surely the sky will fall! I hope, for your sake, he does though; melting snow/ice takes forever.
    Good luck to you.

  7. Living without water is hard. We have done the same here on our old farm when the water lines had to be repaired. It gives you a new perspective on our modern ways.

  8. Oh, my goodness, that's horrible, not to mention a lot of work!

  9. So, your saying that the good old days were not all that good. The closest I ever want to get to "pioneer days" is to watch a documentary on TV.

  10. When I was a kid back on the farm I recall the water pipes freezing and my dad and I would have to get under the house to thaw them out with a torch.

    I agree with Ron. The closest I ever want to get to the "pioneer days" is to watch a documentary on TV. I will be praying for you and your family. God bless, Lloyd


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