Life On and Off an Acreage

In-sights into moving from an Acreage back to Town, plus a few things I find of interest.

Two things that horses are scared about:

1. Things that move
2. Things that don't move

Old enough to be eccentric, but not rich enough
Showing posts with label Geese. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Geese. Show all posts

May 10, 2017

A Goosey Type Day

It was a great couple of hours sitting in front of a fox den. It was too early for foxes, but lots of geese were flying around.

Most of them are paired up. It's still a little early for serious nesting.

There was also a lot of grass eating.

A few were hunting in the pond.

Wing stretches are also good!


Outgoing! A Busy place!

April 7, 2016

Hodge Podge

A walk with the dogs today turned up a few critters. I missed out on a Pileated Woodpecker, but I now know where the nest is.

The chipmunk found a bonanza as someone dumped some bird seed on the trail (not me)
 The crow had his eye on the dogs and let it be known that he was not pleased!

 The Chipmunks, 6 of them were very active.
 The river side was full of geese doing their thing, mainly resting up.

July 29, 2015

Fishing with a Twist

 Today I decided to go fishing, for the first time in 10 years. It's hard to get away when you own 3 horses and want to ride daily. I waxed the canoe (2 coats) and power buffed it. I collected all my fishing stuff. I disappeared at 08:00.  What started out as a nice day turned into a windy one and too much to be fishing in a canoe. So, out came the camera and I slow paddled the shores to see what wild life could be found.

At the boat launch, I started out with this mother mallard. She was sleeping and wouldn't move.

 Next to her, almost unnoticeable was her family, sleeping beak to beak.

 Next came the Red-Necked Grebe. It's in Alberta, hence the name. That's my story and i'm sticking to it!

 Another look at the Grebe

 The next shots are of the Canada Geese. They were every where.

 This shot has a wee bird in the front. I'm not sure what it is.

 More Mallards and Young

 I found two Osprey nests, one up a dry creek and the other on a prominent point.

 Mamma was eating fish and baby was watching me.

 Two more shots of the red-Necked Grebe

 Next we have a couple of shots of a Golden Eye duck showing off.

 Another Osprey from a different nest.

 More Mallards lined up. The canoe lets you get real close.

 This is a Belted King Fisher. I was only able to get the one shot of him. Spooky!

All the shots were taken in Carson-Pegasus Provincial Park.

July 17, 2015

Another Outing

It was a cooler day today and after looking how comfortable Daphne was (she really likes her comfort), and looking at Brooklyn lying half under the bed, I figured a walk was in order.

All the Chickadee, Tree Swallow, and Wren babies are  now gone, and that says basically it was time to get an update on the park critters. The geese are all about the same now, and it's hard to tell the babies from the adults.
 Not much difference in size!
 The Osprey is still sitting and so far I have not seen any fuzzy heads poking up.
 When the dogs get too close, they head for open water.

I will have to start checking out a few more places.